Kwa Msaada Piga namba zifuatazo: FOR KIVUKONI CAMPUS: 0757159665 | 07366581025 | 0762747773 | 0655176995 | 0658391330 FOR KARUME CAMPUS : (024) 2250315 | FOR PEMBA BRANCH: 0676992187 | 0777654770 | (024) 2452200

   2024/2025 Application for Bachelor Degree - Currently : Closed! - Deadline: 09-Oct-2024

Help & Support Contacts Information
  • Kwa Msaada Piga namba zifuatazo: FOR KIVUKONI CAMPUS: 0757159665 | 07366581025 | 0762747773 | 0655176995 | 0658391330 FOR KARUME CAMPUS : (024) 2250315 | FOR PEMBA BRANCH: 0676992187 | 0777654770 | (024) 2452200
Other Help & Support Documents


1.Application Procedures

   Read the admission criteria and verify that you are qualified for application.

2. Prepared the following documents and details in order to continue to step two:


For Applicants with ACSEE

  1. You will use your form IV Index number and Form VI Index number for verifications of your education details
  2. You are required to have a valid and working personal email address.


 For Applicants with Foreign Certificate (ACSEE Equivalent) Certificate -

  1. Prepare a Scanned Education Certificate and a scanned ACSEE Equivalent Certificate
  2. You are required to have a valid and working personal email address.


For Applicants with Ordinary Diploma/ Equivalent to Ordinary Diploma (FTC & Others)

  1. Prepare a Scanned Ordinary Certificate for uploading to this system
  2. Applicant Verification Number (AVN) from NACTE Awards Verification System (Apply Here for AVN))
  3. You are required to have a valid and working personal email address.

3. Make Payments to either CRDB bank, M-PESA, TIGO PESA or AIRTEL MONEY through the payment code generated from OSIM






Bachelor   Degree in Management of Social Development

     3 Years

  • Form VI with at least  two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from two subjects  in History, Geography, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture and Commerce,
  • Diploma in Social Studies OR Diploma in Gender and Development, Community Development/ Full Technician Certificate in Human Resource Management, Record Man agent, Social Work, Journalism, International Relational and Diplomacy, Secretarial Studies and Office Management  Administration, Performing Arts with an average of GPA 3.0 or above AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).

Bachelor   Degree in  Economics of Development

     3 Years

  • Form VI with at least  two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from two subjects: Economics, Accountancy, Commerce, Mathematics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Agriculture,
  • Diploma in  Economic of Development OR Diploma in Community Development/ Full Technician Certificate in  Procurement and Supply Management, Marketing, Accountancy, Financial Administration, Business Administration, Local Government Accountancy and Finance, Public Sector Finance, Management, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above  AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).


Bachelor   Degree of Education  in Geography and History

     3 Years

  • Form VI with at least  two Principal  passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from two subjects Geography and History subjects,
  • Diploma of Education in Geography and History with an average of C, Education Management and Administration, Adult and  Continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level


Bachelor  Degree of Education in Kiswahili and English Languages

3 Years


  • Form VI with at least two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from two subjects Kiswahili and English subjects,
  • Diploma of Education in Kiswahili and English with an average of C, Education Management and Administration, Adult and continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above AND 4 Passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).

Bachelor   Degree in Gender and Development

3 Years


  • Form VI with  at least two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from two subjects: History Geography, English, Kiswahili, Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture and Commerce,
  • Diploma in Gender and Development OR Diploma in Community Development/Full Technician Certificate, Nursing, Travel and Tourism, Police Sciences, Social Studies, Social Work, Economic of Development, Record Management, Human Resource Management with an average of GPA 3.0  or above AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level.

Bachelor   Degree in Human Resources Management

      3 Years


  • Form VI with at least  two  Principal Passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points  from the following subjects; English, History, Kiswahili, geography, Agriculture, Economics and Commerce,
  • Diploma in Human resource Management OR Diploma in Gender and Development, Community Development/Full Technician Certificate, Social Studies , Record Man agent, Social Work, Journalism, International Relation and Diplomacy, Secretarial Studies and Office Management with an average of GPA 3.0 or above  AND  4 passes


at ‘O’ Level (SCEE). 



Bachelor   Degree of Education in Geography and Kiswahili


  1. Years


  • Form VI with at least  two Principal passes at D Grade  with a total of 4.0 points from Kiswahili and English subjects,



  • Diploma of Education in Kiswahili

       and English with an average of C,

Education Management and Administration, Adult and continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above AND 4 Passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).


Bachelor   Degree of Education in Geography and English


3 Years


  • Form VI with at least two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from Geography and English subjects.
  • Diploma of Education in Geography and English with an average of C, Education Management and Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).


Bachelor   Degree of Education in History and English


3 Years


  • Form VI with two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from History and English subjects
  • Diploma of Education in History and English with an average of C, Education Management and Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above  AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE).


Bachelor   Degree of Education in History and Kiswahili


      3 Years


  • Form VI with two Principal passes at D grade  with a total of 4.0 points from History and Kiswahili subjects.
  • Diploma of Education in History and Kiswahili with an average of C, Education Management and Administration, Adult and Continuing Education, with an average of GPA 3.0 or above  AND 4 passes at ‘O’ Level (SCEE)




  1. All applicants for Bachelor Degree Programmes must apply direct through Online Admission System (OSIM) of The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy (MNMA) available in our website : or visit admission office at the MNMA – Kivukoni or MNMA Zanzibar Campus for more assistance.
  1. Each applicant for Bachelor Degree Programmes is required to pay an application fee of Tsh. 10,000/= for Tanzanian Citizens and  US 13 $ for Non Tanzanian Citizens. All payments should be paid to CRDB Bank through the payment code generated from Online Student Information Management, (OSIM) available at



For more information please contact:


The Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy,

P.O. Box 9193,



Phone No. (022) 2820041/ 2820047/0717182841

Fax No.     (022) 2820816.

Email: for KIVUKONI campus or for ZANZIBAR Campus.


Go to Step Two
Application Category is Currently Closed.
Opening Date will be opened..
Kwa Msaada Piga namba zifuatazo: FOR KIVUKONI CAMPUS: 0757159665 | 07366581025 | 0762747773 | 0655176995 | 0658391330 FOR KARUME CAMPUS : (024) 2250315 | FOR PEMBA BRANCH: 0676992187 | 0777654770 | (024) 2452200

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